Water, Liquid, Fluid

Spray Tanning

People in nature, Human body, Lingerie top, Swimsuit bottom, Leg, Dress, Swimwear, Knee, Thigh
Personally Tailored Spray Tans at Spa Casey
Flash photography, Forehead, Nose, Cheek, Lip, Eyelash, Jaw, Ear, Neck, Temple
Pick Your Shade for an Event, Trip, or Maintenance

For spray tan appointments (15 minutes), come with clean skin and loose fitting clothes--no lotions, no deodorants.

If planning for an event, coming one-to-three days before the event can be ideal. You will need to avoid liquid contact immediately following your appointment to have the best result.

Spa Casey offers spray tanning with a variety of services as combination packages, including the popular beach vacation service (options 1-3), which combines a tan with waxing.

Click to learn about the Beach Vacation combination services

Brown, Bedrock

Click to book a Spa Casey tan